How Much Does School Matter?

Recently I received a communication from a parent saying that their daughter had been told that if she really wanted to act school doesn’t matter. The red flags went up for me immediately. Education is the cornerstone for an actor. It is the well that an actor...

The Big Apple

The past few weeks have been very busy putting the final touches on our 2008 season. And, like yesterday’s blog said, it’s been necessary to really be in the moment as we make decisions on website design, marketing campaigns, catalog image, and the...

A Glorious Day is Dawning

The alarm didn’t go off this morning. Not that I needed it to. My internal clock went off as usual at 5:30 a.m. There was a touch of annoyance at my husband for not setting the alarm as I laid in bed assembling my agenda for the day. As the “to do”...

Theater Exists Everywhere

Last Thursday I had spent a pretty busy day putting together a business trip to New York City, Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC. for later this week. The business part of the trip means coordinating the schedules of many people and its always tricky. Phone tag seemed...